ASUG: Building a Pipeline and Brand Through Innovative Marketing

How ASUG developed digital marketing programs to grow their pipeline and brand awareness beyond events.

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ASUG is the largest SAP user group in America, with 130,000+ SAP-savvy professionals. ASUG helps its members get the most value from their investment in SAP technologies through networking opportunities, education, research, and ongoing advocacy.


In 2020, the acquisition team’s strategy was based solely on ASUG’s in-person events to acquire new leads and members. All in-person events were cancelled with the pandemic, so ASUG needed to find a different strategy to continue creating brand awareness and increasing its sales pipeline during and after the pandemic.


Demand Frontier helped the ASUG team:

Design and deploy an on-going social advertising program on LinkedIn

Develop thought leadership videos, customer testimonials and brand videos 

Develop sales enablement content and optimize existing pitch deck and membership kit



Reaching a broader pool of prospects.

Using best practice targeting methods to reach ASUG’s total addressable market, ASUG went from targeting 3k to 10K prospects (233% increase).

Pipeline growth goal was exceeded by 41%.

Using a combination of thought leadership and customer testimonial videos to generate a steady stream of incoming leads, in a year, Demand Frontier generated 283 leads, for an average of 23.5 leads per month. This strategy helped the company exceed its pipeline goal by 41%.

Brand Message Consolidation.

We consolidated ASUG's message and communication strategy and created a series of videos that effectively communicated the brand's value proposition. The video series is now being used for lead gen landing pages, employee onboarding, and brand awareness ads. Video views increased by 16% in the first month the series was launched.