Is your data stale? Are sales calls going to voicemail and lead-to-conversion rates going down? These are some of the very common symptoms that most marketing and sales departments face when they’re skipping crucial steps to completing their data strategy. Many companies rush through data fills to complete only the most basic steps, which creates more work for them down the line. If you’re wondering which vital steps you might be skipping over, keep reading below!

Website Fill

Website fill is a one-time step that’s often skipped, despite the fact that it makes every data process more efficient and has long-term benefits. A company’s website is their DNA and footprint on the internet, and websites generally have a longer shelf-life than company names. Vendors key 2x more accurately on a website than they do on company names.
Benefits of the website fill include:
-Reducing duplicate records
-Speeding up pre-call research
-Speeding up the data search process
-Improving data merge
-Improving lead routing

With that many advantages, it’s clear why companies should never skip this step in their data strategy.

Account Data Fill

Account data is the baseline that powers marketing. While contact data is also essential, it’s dependent on account data for correct segmentation. If you want to segment the right targets for different campaigns’ outreach, you need to ensure the correct data is available for:
-Total available market
-Company revenue
-Employee count
-Corporate hierarchy

When these fields are completed, it becomes much easier to segment different targets for different marketing campaigns and ensure more engagement from your outreach.

Contact Data Fill and Client Tracking

Contact data is the most basic essential component of your data strategy for outreach campaigns. Missing title, email, phone or social in contact data is dramatically less effective within an outreach campaign. To create outreach success, it’s necessary to identify multiple contact points and provide complete contact data for all of them.
Another key step to creating a successful contact data strategy is keeping track of clients and prospects as they move from company to company. When you create best practices to include this step as part of your strategy, you’ll avoid using stale data in future campaigns.

To complete your contact data strategy, always follow these steps:
-Email, phone and social fill
-VIP contact tracking and updating
-Email verification
-Call verification
-Multiple contact outreach

Start Following These Steps and Enjoy More Data Success!
As you build a new and improved data strategy, make sure you include these steps in your best practices so you can avoid the common data issues that most marketing and sales teams face. If you’re interested in learning more about how to create a complete, well-rounded data strategy to benefit your business, be sure to watch our on-demand webinar for a full look at the building blocks of a successful data strategy.